Highlights of 2023
Rajarshi Mitra Rajarshi Mitra

Highlights of 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster of photographs, laughter, sunsets, time with friends and family. I was jotting down the highlights of 2023 as I rewind and scroll through the photos, month by month.

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10 Years at HomeFirst!
Rajarshi Mitra Rajarshi Mitra

10 Years at HomeFirst!

But here we are, 10 years at HomeFirst and we are a publicly listed company now! It's by far the longest relationship, I have ever had and I owe it to my bosses and the team (too many, far too many to name them individually). Thank you for creating a workplace that is dynamic, inclusive, and supportive of crazy ideas!

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A blurred football match!
Rajarshi Mitra Rajarshi Mitra

A blurred football match!

It was very challenging to shoot this scene handheld that too in fading light. I was using very high ISOs and shutter speeds of around 1/50 s but then thought of experimenting a little more. Next one, I did a in-camera zoom burst. Curious to know how? I was using the 24 - 120 mm lens at f 4.5, I had set the scene at 85 mm and rotated the zoom ring while taking the photo. I was quite happy with the results, and it was something different.

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Trip Planning - Andamans
Rajarshi Mitra Rajarshi Mitra

Trip Planning - Andamans

Also, this would be more of a vacation with the wife than a photo expedition. Will keep it nice and easy and am afraid it is going to be touristy! Though I have a found a few offbeat places but photography-wise am skeptical…

Anyway, here’s what my tentative itinerary looks like:

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An easy step-by-step guide to mint your first NFT!
Personal, Workflow Rajarshi Mitra Personal, Workflow Rajarshi Mitra

An easy step-by-step guide to mint your first NFT!

This blog post will solve your "How to do it". It's a step-by-step easy guide that shows the exact directions for mining your first NFT and maybe making some money from it. But I'll keep this blog very specific for people in India. It will showcase what someone sitting in India needs to do or in simple words, “what I did”.

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