2021 - 7 things that are worth remembering!

At the last week of another year and the way we are moving forward, the year seems like a blur already. So, I thought I’ll just document the top 7 things that I would want to remember from 2021.

1. My favorite photo of 2021

This somehow became my favorite image from the wilderness of the Zanskar region in Ladakh! It's hard to explain the sheer joy of finding wild horses in the middle of nowhere. They were just there, grazing on some greens, the cool breeze catching their hair. This was begging to be photographed.

2. In love with this band

I discovered Michael Kiwanuka’s Cold Little Heart on YouTube recently and since then am totally hooked to his music. This British singer-songwriter is topping all my playlists since then. His soulful voice and lively compositions make him a must-listen for any music lover.

You can find him on spotify as well.

3. Most moving image

I think it was around March & April. India was going through the peak of the second wave. Photos of round-the-clock mass cremations in various cities started flooding the internet during the spike. This photo by Danish Siddiqui was gut-wrenching to look at. I couldn’t take this image out of my mind for weeks!

4. One book I really liked

Show your work I loved the simplicity and actionable approach of the book. It pushed me to start the website and be more regular in a creative way. Anyone looking for some inspiration without a lot of preaching, this is what you need to read!

5. One place I visited, that stood out for me

I haven’t seen a glacier that big, that beautiful, and that close before… So yeah, Drang Drung Glacier for me was something from a wild dream! Also, this year I finally did the Ladakh solo ride. Experience of a lifetime!

6. Learned something new

Started taking interest in Crypto. Learned the basics, made some money. Minted a few NFTs. Good personal project! Started the website as well, so yeah, a year of new learnings.

No photos for this one. Have blogged about it here.

7. Totally new experience

Spent a day with the special forces at the NSG base. Got to test the most advanced weapons that mankind currently has and for the first time in my life, I fired some actual rounds. It was a crazy afternoon and no more details on this.

Rajarshi Mitra


Trip Planning - Andamans


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