What's with this "e-studio"?

Imagine you have entered an artist's studio which is still under construction. Some unfinished work being worked upon, and some of the favorites stacked against the wall... The smell of the fresh paint, references, and books lying around the corner... messy overall. Currently, that's how this website looks! Just uploaded a bunch of photos, not even titled them, let alone organizing them... But I guess that's okay, it's kind of my space, it doesn't have to be perfect. Like I would take some time to organize a room, this will also take a bit of time.

Anyway, coming back to why I named it the e-studio. You would think, it's obvious dude. It's a freaking website! Online studio = e-studio... Well yeah, that's true. But the thing is, it's been a few years that I have been toying with this idea of having my own studio. Just a little workspace at home. Tucked away on the rooftop, preferably! But I left Kolkata almost a decade ago, and in Mumbai, your flat is just as big as your hometown washroom! So, having a physical studio at this point in my life was simply out of question! Hence the "e-studio!"

But there's a lot of struggle with just a digital space. In fact, staring at the screen doesn't give you ideas! I feel, that to create something you need to involve everything. Your mind, your body, and your soul! You get stuck because you are not moving. Let your mind wander. Boredom is good for thinking! Your ideas will flow once you start working towards it.

Going online is great, when I need any inspiration or references, usually my old Surface Pro does the job. But then after a bit of research, I try to look away and ponder over what I saw or just read. I take some time to process it. I try to keep a small notebook or just scribble on my phone when I am trying to think.

Give this a try!

Give this is a try!

I am not sure if all this is making sense, but what I’m trying to say is - A good balance between digital and analog workspace will help you create stuff. Surely, it helped me become a more productive thinker!

Once I have structured my thoughts, I get in front of a screen and start executing my idea! And I guess that is where the e-studio will play a vital role. To showcase the ideas... Thoughts are structured and unstructured. Photos are nothing but renditions of those thoughts!

One-click at a time...!

One press of a shutter at a time…!

Important to see, how they look in real life!

Rajarshi Mitra


5 photography things that are worth sharing!


A 30 year old Pakistani made me do this!