7 Golden Landscape Photography tips

1. Shoot the light

Understand where it's coming from and what it’s doing.

2. Start wide, then get to the details

Try 3 different focal lengths and different perspectives to start with, you will never run out of ideas!

3. Scout, move around, look for compositions

Every element in the scene should have one-single objective - To improve the overall photo.

4. Shutter speeds help you see, what your naked eyes can't!

You can show movement or freeze action.

5. Highlights and shadows help create drama!

The audience sees the brightest thing in the frame first.

6. Make your photos 3D

Use your foreground, mid-ground & background to add depth to your photos.

7. Learn post-processing as much as you can!

Tech is changing so fast it’s difficult to keep up but you need to be aware of the constant updates.

Rajarshi Mitra


My simple post-processing workflow!


Pondicherry weekend