
Got Married

This has to top the list - the milestone moment of my life! Eventually, it caught up with me and it happened. But I am lucky to have found someone (or rather, my parents found that someone special) who understands me and my family, and is crazy enough to follow my whims and fancies! Here's to more adventures together...

Leaning over Jog falls and creating an iconic image

The journey from Mumbai to Karnataka was long and bumpy. We took the state government-run buses and had to change 4-5 times to reach our final destination - Jog Falls. My friend Harshal and I hiked up to another vantage point with the help of a local guide. Away from the crowds, we reached a spot that offered breathtaking views of the waterfall. The moment I leaned over the falls, everything seemed worth the effort. I think I created one of my favorite images from last year, and it will always be etched in my memory.

Andamans and Scuba Diving

I took my wife to the Andaman Islands, and we had a wonderful week. The blue ocean, white powder beaches, and great seafood make it a perfect getaway for honeymooners. The calm, crystal-clear waters and diverse marine life offered an unforgettable scuba diving experience! It was also my first dive with the GoPro 10, and it performed brilliantly well.

Winters in Kashmir

I spent a couple of weeks in Kashmir during the winter, and it was like being in one of those winter postcards. The entire landscape turned white, transforming into a winter wonderland. The snow-covered mountains and fresh powder in Gulmarg offer superb skiing facilities. I took some beautiful minimalist photos of winters in Kashmir and had "Harissa" a perfect winter breakfast.

Majestic Asiatic lions at Gir

Gir National Park in Gujarat is the only place in the world where Asiatic Lions are found. I visited Gir but wasn't lucky enough to spot the beasts in the first safari. But the next morning, I had more luck and we saw the majestic lions - the full family with cute little cubs. It was a humbling experience to see them in their natural habitat. It is recommended to book your slots for safari online, as it remains quite busy throughout the year. Also, you would be surprised to see how the local folks co-exist with the wild beasts. Leaving you with a Hindi documentary which I felt was pretty well made.

Listening to Mahalaya by the lake

We woke up around 4 am. It was still dark outside our camps, and the skies were glittering with millions of stars. We hiked through the forest trail, went by the lakeside, and listened to Mahalaya, the quintessential Bengali thing to do before the Durga Pujas. If you have been raised in a Bengali middle-class family, you would know! I'm not sure if it was a spiritual experience, but it was certainly calming!

The hooligan - KTM RC 390 got a makeover

I gave my KTM RC 390 a makeover, and it looks rad!

Pondicherry was surprisingly relaxing

The French colonial architecture, the laid-back atmosphere, and great food made it a perfect weekend getaway. The clear blue skies and clean beaches were unexpectedly relaxing. I took a few long exposures, and we had a good time.

Night trek to Konkankada in peak monsoons

It was idiotic, but fun! Being in Mumbai means having ready access to the Western Ghats, which has some beautiful trails. Monsoons are especially beautiful with waterfalls and cloud-covered peaks. We went on a night trek to reach Konkankada during the peak monsoons. Lost our way in the middle of the night. Encountered a few snakes, it was challenging but exhilarating experience. But here’s a beautiful film who dared to climb this technical peak.

Overall, 2022 has been kind. A year of memorable moments. I am grateful for all the experiences. Whether it was a milestone, a mis-adventure, or something totally new, each one of them has made me appreciate life even more!  Looking forward to new opportunities in 2023!  

Rajarshi Mitra


10 Years at HomeFirst!


A blurred football match!