A 30 year old Pakistani made me do this!

I was on YouTube... and you know how it works... Once you start scrolling... It's like what the Eagles sang in Hotel California - "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!"

I came across a YouTuber named Ali, Ali Abdal, and watched a couple of videos... watched a few more and almost ended up binging on Ali's channel. I mean who does that? Ali, am not your biggest fan but you made so much sense...

I knew I should do it, but didn't have the right kinda motivation... And here I am, finally... My website - up and running! I had to own some digital real estate and this was long due! I wanted to create a platform where I can just dump my ideas... Think aloud. Talk about what inspires me. Throw in a lot of BTS. Look for feedback and get shit done! Concentrate on the "Process" and not the "Product" as popularly mentioned in the book Show your Work.

You know what, personal diaries are a thing of the past, I want this website to be a public diary... The blogs would mostly be in that format. I know, it sounds scary to put everything out there! Just the idea of it scares the hell out of me, but not doing it would be dumber! I strongly believe that sharing my creative process (at least I think it's creative) this way could actually improve my craft, it might just open up some new conversations! I want you to tell me, what I suck at, what you did not like in the photos (or anything in general).

Like everything else, when you start with something you are not very sure where you will end up, but hopefully, this new journey will be interesting... Stay tuned!

This is me, all motivated (even though it might not look like it)!

This is me, all motivated (even though it might not look like it)!

Rajarshi Mitra


What's with this "e-studio"?