A blurred football match!

I have been away for a while now. Been busy. Working, biking, travelling, taking photos, and in-between got married! Yeah, last 9-10 months have been quite eventful. Have been working on the website though. Playing around with the overall layout. Working on the sections and now trying to develop the “Shop” module. Anyway, more on that later…

Last weekend, I went to the local beach to get some practice. Sea-scapes are tricky. If done right, it looks fantastic, but you can mess it up very easily. Got a few photos, kept on looking for interesting compositions but nothing that great also the evening was hazy. Quite a boring sunset. So, I packed my stuff, and just thought I would take a stroll in the weak twilight. Then found a group of local boys playing football at the beach…

It was very challenging to shoot this scene handheld that too in fading light. I was using very high ISOs and shutter speeds of around 1/50 s but then thought of experimenting a little more. Next one, I did a in-camera zoom burst. Curious to know how? I was using the 24 - 120 mm lens at f 4.5, I had set the scene at 85 mm and rotated the zoom ring while taking the photo. I was quite happy with the results, and it was something different.

Then I got lost in my view finder, trying to engage with the scene. Panned a few shots to add motion and had a lot of fun!

This evening took me to my childhood days, playing football at Vivekanda Park, in Kolkata. Ohh! nostalgia you are such a strong trigger!

That’s the whole gang (find me if you can)! Photo taken more than a decade ago…

Rajarshi Mitra




Trip Planning - Andamans